New school. Boxes. Piles and stacks of teaching supplies. Blank walls. Unassembled things. Old school. More stuff. New rules and guidelines. Revised procedures. Lovely building. Expansive playground. Fresh paint and carpet. Empty lesson plans and grade book.
The clock spins ever faster. Ah, my aching neck and clenched teeth.
No worries.
Pas de souci.
All in good time, each task will be completed at the right moment. I don't know why I worry, when I really do know that God will get me through
everything. He has never let me down, even when I work myself into a frenzy of tight muscles and knots. Sigh.
Note to self: He. Will. Take. Care. Of. Everything. Everything!
Our help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. (Psalm 124:8)