Thursday, March 10, 2016

Meeting in the Middle Really Works

meet in the middle
drive separate roads to where
catching up is fun
~ Haiku by Angie Quantrell

Meeting in the middle works.

Yes, the sort of meeting in the middle that signifies compromise and working together - that works.

But also the physical, drive and meet in the middle between two far flung locations - that works as well.

Making the most of a federal holiday, a friend and I recently met in the middle for a fun day of rubber stamping, visiting, and eating. We've been discussing the idea for quite a long time, but could never put wheels on our vision.

Until we stopped talking and started driving. She booked a hotel room for her daughter and a friend and herself. I met them. We took over the hotel's business conference room table, where we were front and center for the excitement of the day.

It was great!

Due to the limited amount of time, we really focused. We only brought some of our mountains of supplies and ideas. We only shared one meal. We only began some projects, stacking them for completion later at home (one of the best unintended parts of the day). We only spent a short time visiting a local thrift shop.


Now we know where the middle is and plan to take advantage of this knowledge again.

You should try it. Who do you want to meet in the middle?

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