Monday, June 1, 2015

Tea with Me - Monday Mama Moments

Happy Monday Morning!

I wish we could physically sit down and have a cup of tea. Or coffee. It would be so much fun to chat about weekend events - the fun, the exciting, the dreadful, and the boring.

Maybe this will work best if we both grab a cup of tea. It may seem a bit one-sided. But let's pretend we are face to face. You read about my weekend, then comment and tell me about your weekend.

Here's my weekend sum-it-up.

Kinder Field Trip ~ Began the weekend by joining Hayden on his walking kindergarten field trip. We went to the library first (wise move). Next we walked to King's Row and had ice cream. Nothing like kinder kids, ice cream, and 90 degrees. We literally stuck together on the way back to school.

Baby Watch ~ Grand number 4, William Gage, has yet to make his appearance. Mommy's tummy is quite resplendent. Brother and sister are getting anxious. And this Nana wants to help welcome that boy to the world. Each night I go to bed thinking she will call tonight. I wake up telling myself, well, it didn't happen yet. Maybe today.

Embarrassing Moment Eye Witness ~ There I was standing at the Fred Meyer gas station window to pay for our fuel. The pump nearest the station was blocked off with a cone as the hose had no nozzle. Sure enough, up raced a lady who was very excited to find an empty pump with no line! She ran right over the cone, not paying attention, gleeful with her win at the pump. LOL. I was right there, watching. She finally realized she had killed the cone. Then she saw me watching. What do you do? We both grinned and shrugged our shoulders. She then slunk off backwards over the cone and went to a different line.

Wedding in 90 ~ Not 90 minutes, but 90 degrees. It was a hot one. The wedding itself was beautiful. Mr. Quantrell was the officiating pastor. The winery up on a hillside lent itself as a gorgeous setting. Guests fanned and tanned themselves in the full on sun. We sweated and dripped alike. My hand fan has become my new best friend. Despite the heat, it was a wonderful experience and we wish the happy couple all the best.

My Baby Turned 27 ~ Hello. I am not that old. My oldest, my firstborn, celebrated his birthday. Where have the years gone?

Raspberries are Ripe ~ Yes. I welcome the season of red. Strawberries are due for a rest while the raspberries are just starting to provide delish bursts of flavor for my mouth. Though my grands usually get to them first.

Three Cakes ~ It's true. I was feted with opportunities to devour three cakes this weekend. Wedding cake, birthday cake, and graduation cake. I did not have any of them. But the fourth opportunity, whole wheat almond flour shortbread cake with our strawberries? Mine to inhale. Mmm. I think that recipe will go in my cookbook.

Growing from the Inside ~ Church was chaotic but fantastic. Besides our own mama's providing additions to our children's group, we had three new boys and their parents. It takes the full attention of at least 2 adults and maximum energy to corral and enjoy our group. I might add, 7 months old to 7 years old between them all. Whoa, Nellie!

Watched Donavyn while Papa and Daddy fixed the truck.

Cut hair. Twice.

Love my air conditioner.

Sleeveless is my favorite (and all season) fashion statement.

Visited the horses, including the new foal, that pasture next door to our son. So adorable.

Made a record trip to Costco. Under 20 minutes. On a Saturday. Got in. Got out. Proud of myself. Yes. I forgot stuff. But that's not the point. In and out. Fast.

That's it for the highlights. The rest was cooking, cleaning, eating, and sleeping. Boring stuff.

I would love to hear about your weekend!

P.S. Should you ever find yourself in the Yakima Valley, call me up. We'll meet in person. See you then!

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