Friday, June 10, 2016

$125 Bucks Later . . .

Monet in one of her favorite napping spots. In her favorite position.
By Angie Quantrell @AngieQuantrell

The first hint that something was wrong was the sound of the cat door furiously flapping.

The next hint was the flash of gray darting across the floor to the cat box. Monet had the kitty runs. Eww.

I mean the nasty smelly potty stops. While I've been there myself (though I don't use the cat litter box nor do I go through the cat door), I've never seen a cat make a mad dash to the toilet!

Poor baby!

The dash and go lasted all evening and we were getting concerned. But since she continued to eat, drink, and play with her toys like a wild thing, we figured it would pass.

But this morning there was blood.

That definitely meant a trip to the vet. There was initial interest in the cat carrier by both girls, but the second I grabbed Monet to put her in, Mabel dashed off for hiding, afraid she would be next.

$125 bucks later, Monet was home. Colitis. Who knew cats could have that?

Cats eat all sorts of things. Especially Monet. She's the wild girl and she very aggressively hunts, consumes, and shares her prizes. According to the vet, this is common.

No fever, healthy teeth, eating and drinking, playing, good fur, no temp = colitis and maybe a some worms (from eating before mentioned outdoor treats).

"Are you able to give her pills?" he asked.

"My guess is no, though we've never had to give them to her before," I said. "Monet is our more intensive cat and pulls no punches when she plays. I'm guessing I would earn a bite or scratches from any attempts."

This idea was confirmed when the vet came back with Monet after a little visit to the back room. "I did manage to give her a pill, but I had a technician and an assistant helping me. I gave her a shot. It's not my first choice, but to prevent bites and scratches, it will be best for her." (And me!)

As I thought.
How Monet loves to sleep.

So, guess what $125 buys? A vet inspection. A very strong antibiotic injection. One pill. Worming medication.

And a very happy-to-be-home cat who has already brought me a moth.


  1. Ouch. Glad she's going to be generally okay. What can you expect with her Colitis in future? <3 <3
    Just had my cat at the vets. Antibiotics for about 10 days (liquid) cost $60.00 Canadian. o_O

    1. The vet seemed to think that she would be fine. I didn't specifically ask if she would be prone to that. She's 2 and this is the first time. I better ask that in August when the 2 sisters go for annual exams and boosters!

      Yes! Those antibiotics are expensive! I think the shot one was around $50! Yikes! Hope you kitty gets better fast! :)


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