Saturday, June 30, 2012
98 Card Success
Productive trip to Seattle! Card total = 98 cards + 12 almost done cards. Grand total = 110 cards
Yeah, baby. Now I am set for almost any conceivable correspondence needs. Rubber stamping and using paper scraps and materials are one of my favorite past times. Add that to girl talk, school shop talk, some exercise, more shopping, creativity, not much sleep, artist's mess, treats, great meals, helpful cats...a vacation away from home with tangible results.
Verdict: The annual rubber stamping trip to my college roommates' home in the U District of Seattle was highly successful.
Future Goal: Schedule for 2013.
Facebook Fasting
You know how it goes. Just a sec to check on friends becomes just a few hours of time gone forever.
For the month of July, I will be Facebook fasting. I want to use the time to connect face to face with friends and family. The time I don't spend on FB should give me some extra coffee time and meal dates. Or time to call a few people on the phone. Or go for a walk. Or take a nap. Or get ready to go to the Olympics next month.
Don't worry. I'll find plenty to do. But the big point is to spend the time I would've spent on FB on other people - real people - not virtual representations of them.
I'll still be electronically connected and check my email, maybe blog a few times, text and call people. But FB will be out. Going to reclaim my time and use it for worthwhile pursuits.
So, if you're hanging out, give me a buzz. Let's chat in person.
Read more about Facebook Fasting (by yours truly) in the July issue of Missions Mosaic. I've committed to taking this step. Join me!
(Some pictures will NOT go the correct direction. This is the Facebook Fasting article in Missions Mosaic.)
For the month of July, I will be Facebook fasting. I want to use the time to connect face to face with friends and family. The time I don't spend on FB should give me some extra coffee time and meal dates. Or time to call a few people on the phone. Or go for a walk. Or take a nap. Or get ready to go to the Olympics next month.
Don't worry. I'll find plenty to do. But the big point is to spend the time I would've spent on FB on other people - real people - not virtual representations of them.
I'll still be electronically connected and check my email, maybe blog a few times, text and call people. But FB will be out. Going to reclaim my time and use it for worthwhile pursuits.
So, if you're hanging out, give me a buzz. Let's chat in person.
Read more about Facebook Fasting (by yours truly) in the July issue of Missions Mosaic. I've committed to taking this step. Join me!
(Some pictures will NOT go the correct direction. This is the Facebook Fasting article in Missions Mosaic.)
Monday, June 25, 2012
The Sky is Falling!
"The sky is falling, the sky is falling!" said Little Chick.
"Not really," said Mr. Q., "it's just the lights. They are falling from the ceiling."
What?!! This happened recently, not just once, but twice. Three times if you count the time it was fixed and the fix didn't hold.
Seriously, who has their kitchen lights falling down for no good reason? We do.

(Redneck home remodel. Notice the plug-in in the ceiling? Our temp fix for stealing the other light to help light the kitchen. Also notice the missing ceiling wood work and floor portion where the bar was removed.)

(See the two squares on the ceiling? That's where two ceiling lights fell off...See the night light? And the lamp on top of the fridge? Again, temp fix until we decide on the solution. Yes? You can be creative on a budget.)
We are in the midst of updating and remodeling (at a modest level, mostly paint). The kitchen is last, and we haven't touched much in that room. We were, however, forced to touch it. Since two of the ceiling lights fell off.
Our kitchen is a galley, with one tiny window (under the back porch) for natural lighting. Every other source of dastardly placed luminescence provides the light for cooking and cleaning. Some days it has been a challenge. Even more so since two lights are missing. We even had to snitch the one over the dining room table (around the corner, did not help the kitchen area) and put it in the most central part of the room.
As we've redecorated, we've solved problems as they arose. It's been a step by step thing. Do this. Figure out that. Finish this. Oh, gotta consider that. This has been going on since we bought our new (old) home 2 1/2 years ago. A round of applause for our patience though. We are working at a slow pace, as money and time allows. Really - I am amazed that I could tolerate living with paint splotches all over the bedroom, kitchen, and living room walls since before spring break! Let's not talk about the missing floorboard, ceiling wiring, and holes due to removing the ugly and space/traffic flow blocking bar ages ago. That's waaaayyyy down the list.
Still, for every problem solved and project completed, at least three more become apparent. As in the lights falling from the ceiling. It seems like we will be doing this forever!
Speaking of forever, I am so glad I don't have to worry about eternal fix-it-up projects. I've won the FREE Upgrade for Eternity Package. The Sweepstakes for All Afterlife. Forget Publishers Clearing House. This prize package is valued at priceless. Literally priceless. He gave HIS LIFE, The LIGHT, for my free gift.
The Light is all complete. No remodeling necessary. This Light never goes out. Always works. Stays in style. Does not need updating. Does not use electricity. Costs nothing. Illuminates with perfection.
Read all about it in The Book. THE Book. The Light of Life.
Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life." (John 8:12).
"Not really," said Mr. Q., "it's just the lights. They are falling from the ceiling."
What?!! This happened recently, not just once, but twice. Three times if you count the time it was fixed and the fix didn't hold.
Seriously, who has their kitchen lights falling down for no good reason? We do.
(Redneck home remodel. Notice the plug-in in the ceiling? Our temp fix for stealing the other light to help light the kitchen. Also notice the missing ceiling wood work and floor portion where the bar was removed.)
(See the two squares on the ceiling? That's where two ceiling lights fell off...See the night light? And the lamp on top of the fridge? Again, temp fix until we decide on the solution. Yes? You can be creative on a budget.)
We are in the midst of updating and remodeling (at a modest level, mostly paint). The kitchen is last, and we haven't touched much in that room. We were, however, forced to touch it. Since two of the ceiling lights fell off.
Our kitchen is a galley, with one tiny window (under the back porch) for natural lighting. Every other source of dastardly placed luminescence provides the light for cooking and cleaning. Some days it has been a challenge. Even more so since two lights are missing. We even had to snitch the one over the dining room table (around the corner, did not help the kitchen area) and put it in the most central part of the room.
As we've redecorated, we've solved problems as they arose. It's been a step by step thing. Do this. Figure out that. Finish this. Oh, gotta consider that. This has been going on since we bought our new (old) home 2 1/2 years ago. A round of applause for our patience though. We are working at a slow pace, as money and time allows. Really - I am amazed that I could tolerate living with paint splotches all over the bedroom, kitchen, and living room walls since before spring break! Let's not talk about the missing floorboard, ceiling wiring, and holes due to removing the ugly and space/traffic flow blocking bar ages ago. That's waaaayyyy down the list.
Still, for every problem solved and project completed, at least three more become apparent. As in the lights falling from the ceiling. It seems like we will be doing this forever!
Speaking of forever, I am so glad I don't have to worry about eternal fix-it-up projects. I've won the FREE Upgrade for Eternity Package. The Sweepstakes for All Afterlife. Forget Publishers Clearing House. This prize package is valued at priceless. Literally priceless. He gave HIS LIFE, The LIGHT, for my free gift.
The Light is all complete. No remodeling necessary. This Light never goes out. Always works. Stays in style. Does not need updating. Does not use electricity. Costs nothing. Illuminates with perfection.
Read all about it in The Book. THE Book. The Light of Life.
Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life." (John 8:12).
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Humph. It is a furball's heaven in our house. Layers of lovely black and white and gray fuzz on most comfortable surfaces. White especially on dark items and vice versa. Took my Bible to church. Fur on the cover. Put the baby by the footstool. Fur on the baby. Moved the pillows off the bed. Fur on the bed. You get the idea.
How many cats do we have? ONE. That's it. ONE cat with subarctic layers of dense (not long) fur. Furball meds are a necessity, as well as brushing, vacuuming, dusting, sneezing, lint brushes, more sneezing, washing, drying, sweeping...
ONE cat. De-cat-ifying the house. All that work for ONE cat.
But she's worth it.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Ick! and Way to Go, Guy
(the purple creeping thyme that is hosting the slug infestation)
Ickkeeey. ICKEEEE!
Is is slug mating season or what? Gross-o-mundo. There I was, innocently talking on the phone, strolling around the back yard, occasionally pulling a weed. NOT remaining stationary or anything.
Completed my phone call and reached over to grab the hose for the evening water chores. Something was itching my ankle. It was a SLUG! Or a shell-less snail. Your choice. Shudder, scream, and flick it off. Ugh.
Still shuddering. Continued my watering. In the oddest place, the middle of the purple blooming creeping thyme - a colony of slugs on top of the thyme. Truly the weirdest thing. I have never seen them there. On my raspberries? Yes. On my strawberries? Yes. On top of the thyme? No.
Got my special tool, a fork from the kitchen, and my compost bucket that sits by the sink. Scooped them all out. ICK. Really, I wasn't thinking too clearly about the fork. We do have a dishwasher and it will be sterilized, for those of you thinking of ever eating at our house again.
Hmmmm. How to kill them? No beer for a beer trap. And I am certainly not smooshing them or putting them in a blender. Maybe they will drown? Filled the compost bucket with water and finished watering.
Nope. They do not drown in water. They climb out. Dumped them in the compost garbage can. Get out of those dry grass clippings, slimy things! Will be looking for cheap beer to drown them. Yes, I know God created all creatures. I'm just not in love with these wet and clammy pests.
Does beer really drown them? I imagine they just get drunk and climb on out. Wiggly snail trails instead of straight ones.
On a 'way to go, my man' note, the grands were over. I was playing pat-a-cake with Sister, who was way past being happy waiting for her mommy fix. She liked the song. And so did Bubba. I noticed he was mimicking me, so I began to sing "The Eensy, Weensy Spider" with hand motions.
He loved it. Tried a few moves out himself. Then when I was finished, he shouted, "Amen!"
(He must be a preachers' grandson.)
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
New Superhero!
Meet Purse Boy.
Able to race wildly through the house in 3.2 seconds. Can carry multiple cars and trucks in his sidekick, aka Nana's Purse. Understands the fine tunings of 4X4 vehicles. Shouts loud enough to be hear long distances. Can reach very high pitch in squealing with sister. Protects sissy from everyone. Pees in backyard (occasionally poos.) Tells momma she is a "Bad boy, mommy." Can dump toys and create chaos in under 2 minutes. Helpful when cleaning up toys as long as organization is not a factor. Requires constant refueling when commenting, "I need something." And that is usually a "snack" or "nola bar." Gives extremely wonderful and powerful hugs and kisses. Best known for his funny comments and adoring love of his family.
Need help? Coming to a screen or yard near you.
Call Purse Boy.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
A Dish for Garfield?
Maybe he would like it. My vegetarian veggie lasagna. But I doubt it! Too many veggies and no red meat.
Not bad, we decided. Since I rarely make homemade lasagna, preferring the ease of going to Costco and buying frozen ready to go, I was pleased with the results. Actually, I'm pretty sure I've only made lasagna from scratch 2 times. MAYBE 3, tops. That goes for our entire 27 (on June 22) years of marriage. Good thing the man isn't big into pasta dishes!
My Version of Vegetarian Lasagna
Oven: 350
Angie's Spaghetti Salsa (recipe posted elsewhere on this blog)
Cooked whole wheat lasagna noodles (BTW, you DO NOT need the entire box - have half a box in the fridge to prove that one)
Fresh washed spinach, torn into bite size pieces
1 small zucchini, thinly sliced
1 small yellow squash, thinly sliced
cottage cheese
black olives, cut in half
grated Parmesan cheese
Layer in the following order: noodles, zucchini, squash, spinach, spaghetti sauce, olives, cottage cheese, Parmesan cheese. Repeat with all ingredients one more time. On top, put a cover of noodles, more marinara sauce, cottage cheese (I mixed it a little), and then a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese over it all. I spiced ours up with crushed peppers on the very top.
Bake for 45-60 minutes, or until very bubbly. Let set for 10 minutes. Serve with a side salad.
Very yummy!
Note: I didn't put specific amounts because I don't know what size of pan you have! Or maybe you want to add sliced mushrooms, which would be good, or other veggies. Or you love mozzaroti cheese (as my dad calls it). Layer in the stuff so that it fits your pan. Maybe you will have enough to make two pans and freeze one!
Not bad, we decided. Since I rarely make homemade lasagna, preferring the ease of going to Costco and buying frozen ready to go, I was pleased with the results. Actually, I'm pretty sure I've only made lasagna from scratch 2 times. MAYBE 3, tops. That goes for our entire 27 (on June 22) years of marriage. Good thing the man isn't big into pasta dishes!
My Version of Vegetarian Lasagna
Oven: 350
Angie's Spaghetti Salsa (recipe posted elsewhere on this blog)
Cooked whole wheat lasagna noodles (BTW, you DO NOT need the entire box - have half a box in the fridge to prove that one)
Fresh washed spinach, torn into bite size pieces
1 small zucchini, thinly sliced
1 small yellow squash, thinly sliced
cottage cheese
black olives, cut in half
grated Parmesan cheese
Layer in the following order: noodles, zucchini, squash, spinach, spaghetti sauce, olives, cottage cheese, Parmesan cheese. Repeat with all ingredients one more time. On top, put a cover of noodles, more marinara sauce, cottage cheese (I mixed it a little), and then a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese over it all. I spiced ours up with crushed peppers on the very top.
Bake for 45-60 minutes, or until very bubbly. Let set for 10 minutes. Serve with a side salad.
Very yummy!
Note: I didn't put specific amounts because I don't know what size of pan you have! Or maybe you want to add sliced mushrooms, which would be good, or other veggies. Or you love mozzaroti cheese (as my dad calls it). Layer in the stuff so that it fits your pan. Maybe you will have enough to make two pans and freeze one!
Monday, June 4, 2012
The King
Today we had a gloriously lovely and soaking wet field trip. First stop, the Yakima Valley Museum.
Our docent led us on a merry tour, skimming some areas and focusing on others. We truly enjoyed the shoe collection and the old fashioned house and methods of transportation. But what I was most pleased about was the room of the Cabinets of Curiosities.
The Cabinets of Curiosities room is a new addition to the museum. So new, in fact, that not all things are labelled. And there are some really odd things in those cabinets (check out the baby doll headed stuffed duck - stuffed as in taxidermy-d).
As our docent was explaining the history of curiosity cabinets, she guided our students to think about kings, queens, princes, and princesses. The very rich and the royalty were the ones who collected and stored curiosities in cupboards, cabinets, or closets. Most often, only friends of the blue bloods were invited to examine the collections.
After asking our group if there were any kings, any queens, any princesses, or any princes present, she asked another question.
"Who is a king?" she said.
A little voice up front, near her, piped out confidently, "Jesus."
Yes. From the voice of an innocent, the truth was spoken. King Jesus. The King who doesn't collect stuff, although He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and is the Creator of the Universe (which by the way, is not millions of years old and evolved). The thing that King Jesus is most interested in is people. He collects people - their hearts - those who believe in Him.
King Jesus does want all people to be in His special collection. Those He has collected are not put into closets, cupboards, or cabinets, but are left out on display, running around as normal, for all the world to see. The King's collection is vastly treasured, yet allowed freedom to live life surrounded by loved ones. His collection is infused with the Light, light that guides the way for others. That Light is an invitation - "Hey, come join my collection! Come, You are treasured. Not put on a shelf, but loved and embraced and set out for others to view," says the King. "Come, be My treasure!"
So goes the invitation for all to join.
By the way, that confident child's voice speaking the truth, "Jesus," threw a curve ball to our docent. She was not quite sure how to reply.
"That's right," I said, "King Jesus."
And we continued our exploration of history (historical = OLD STUFF to our students).
...And he said to the Jews, "Behold your King!" (John 19:14b)
Our docent led us on a merry tour, skimming some areas and focusing on others. We truly enjoyed the shoe collection and the old fashioned house and methods of transportation. But what I was most pleased about was the room of the Cabinets of Curiosities.
The Cabinets of Curiosities room is a new addition to the museum. So new, in fact, that not all things are labelled. And there are some really odd things in those cabinets (check out the baby doll headed stuffed duck - stuffed as in taxidermy-d).
As our docent was explaining the history of curiosity cabinets, she guided our students to think about kings, queens, princes, and princesses. The very rich and the royalty were the ones who collected and stored curiosities in cupboards, cabinets, or closets. Most often, only friends of the blue bloods were invited to examine the collections.
After asking our group if there were any kings, any queens, any princesses, or any princes present, she asked another question.
"Who is a king?" she said.
A little voice up front, near her, piped out confidently, "Jesus."
Yes. From the voice of an innocent, the truth was spoken. King Jesus. The King who doesn't collect stuff, although He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and is the Creator of the Universe (which by the way, is not millions of years old and evolved). The thing that King Jesus is most interested in is people. He collects people - their hearts - those who believe in Him.
King Jesus does want all people to be in His special collection. Those He has collected are not put into closets, cupboards, or cabinets, but are left out on display, running around as normal, for all the world to see. The King's collection is vastly treasured, yet allowed freedom to live life surrounded by loved ones. His collection is infused with the Light, light that guides the way for others. That Light is an invitation - "Hey, come join my collection! Come, You are treasured. Not put on a shelf, but loved and embraced and set out for others to view," says the King. "Come, be My treasure!"
So goes the invitation for all to join.
By the way, that confident child's voice speaking the truth, "Jesus," threw a curve ball to our docent. She was not quite sure how to reply.
"That's right," I said, "King Jesus."
And we continued our exploration of history (historical = OLD STUFF to our students).
...And he said to the Jews, "Behold your King!" (John 19:14b)
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Beating the Ants
Wow! The first harvest of strawberries is in for moi. An almost full colander! Excitement is in the air, since I am winning against the ants.

Last year I added more strawberry plants. Runners that rooted I dug up and planted elsewhere. Care continued throughout the season.
But who enjoyed the strawberries? The stinkin' ants. I'd watch a particularly lovely strawberry ripen, only to pick it and discover the bottom side had been eaten away by tunneling ants. Arrgghhh.
This year. Two plans. First, which I have not used yet, was the super strong ant hotels with two kinds of food to double attack. Second, a fence. So the ants would stay out.
Just kidding about the fence. Only the part about the ants staying out. My honey built me a fence and I gently tied up the stalks bearing strawberries. Excellent! Still need to work on the fine tuning of not tying them up too tight (they are very heavy, my producing plants). A few had their circulation cut off and they wrinkled up. But overall results are positive.

Score so far: Moi, all the strawberries.
Ants? Zero. They haven't realized it's strawberry season. Yet.
Last year I added more strawberry plants. Runners that rooted I dug up and planted elsewhere. Care continued throughout the season.
But who enjoyed the strawberries? The stinkin' ants. I'd watch a particularly lovely strawberry ripen, only to pick it and discover the bottom side had been eaten away by tunneling ants. Arrgghhh.
This year. Two plans. First, which I have not used yet, was the super strong ant hotels with two kinds of food to double attack. Second, a fence. So the ants would stay out.
Just kidding about the fence. Only the part about the ants staying out. My honey built me a fence and I gently tied up the stalks bearing strawberries. Excellent! Still need to work on the fine tuning of not tying them up too tight (they are very heavy, my producing plants). A few had their circulation cut off and they wrinkled up. But overall results are positive.
Score so far: Moi, all the strawberries.
Ants? Zero. They haven't realized it's strawberry season. Yet.
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