Meet Purse Boy.
Able to race wildly through the house in 3.2 seconds. Can carry multiple cars and trucks in his sidekick, aka Nana's Purse. Understands the fine tunings of 4X4 vehicles. Shouts loud enough to be hear long distances. Can reach very high pitch in squealing with sister. Protects sissy from everyone. Pees in backyard (occasionally poos.) Tells momma she is a "Bad boy, mommy." Can dump toys and create chaos in under 2 minutes. Helpful when cleaning up toys as long as organization is not a factor. Requires constant refueling when commenting, "I need something." And that is usually a "snack" or "nola bar." Gives extremely wonderful and powerful hugs and kisses. Best known for his funny comments and adoring love of his family.
Need help? Coming to a screen or yard near you.
Call Purse Boy.
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