Thursday, August 21, 2014

Writing Tips for Maximizing Your Creative Potential

What can you do to help your writing career?

Tips abound wherever one looks. But these are the ones that help me. Plus, they are fun and take the sting out of long bouts of concentration and writing spent hunched over a keyboard.

1. Have equipment that is in good working order.
As seen in this photo, (figuratively) duct-taping miscellaneous electronic devices may not be good for work efficiency. Splurge on current and working (!) pieces of equipment. Mine is on it's last leg. Seriously. There are portions from three different systems at work in this photo. All necessary to keep it afloat until pressing deadlines are met.

And them, BAM. Time for a new computer. That should clear off the desk!

2. Ask for lots of help.
Additional pairs of eyes can catch errors you don't see. Listening ears will hear those spots that cause readers to stumble. Listen to your critics. Let them help you mend your ways.

3. Make sure you have a comfy chair.
After all, your backside will be spending oodles of hours flattened on the seat while your brain wheels twirl and create fascinating stories. Be willing to share a tiny portion of the seat with your fans.

4. Adopt desktop editors.
Give them ample work space and easy access to your work. Every extra set of eyes, ears, and paws that peruses your documents provides invaluable insights.

5. Evaluate your work station.
Do you need a bulletin board? A document stand? Speakers? A foot rest (essential for short writers)? External memory drive? Wireless mouse or keyboard? What makes you super productive as you write? Adjust your work area accordingly.

Regardless of where you do your best work, take a few minutes to proof it for comfort, efficiency, and availability of essential work tools.

And then, no more excuses. Get writing.

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