Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 1 - Facebook Fasting

And so goes day 1 of Facebook Fasting. I immediately received multiple high interest notifications in my email inbox - a friend request from a person in another country (yes, I know her), comments on a previous blog which I would like to respond to, and conversation about family reunions (occurring in July). But I did not fold. I can see how challenging it will be to not rely on FB to communicate with others for specific purposes, especially with those people for whom I do not have email addresses.

I shall persevere. My contact info is available on my profile page. If you are reading this and need to get in touch, check my profile page (of course, due to security settings, only available if you are already my friend). If you want to be my friend, respond here - or send a request. I'll check FB in August.

What did I do with my newly reclaimed free time from FB?

~ coffee with my parents, son and daughter-in-law, friend, and husband
~ church
~ socializing with sistah and her hubby (haircut!)
~ hanging with son and daughter-in-law
~ chatted on phone with daughter
~ called my cousin - a real voice to voice conversation!
~ went for a walk with hubby, intending to eat and then walk home
~ restaurant was closed, so went to another restaurant
~ watched a movie with hubby
~ worked in the garden until it was too hot
~ emailed my aunt
~ washed new curtains in preparation for hemming
~ hemmed Bubba's cut off shorts

Not too bad, as far as what I did. Slightly low on the intentional face to face time.

Goal: Make better strides in old-fashioned meet and greets of my friends and family.

Here's to day 1 of Facebook Fasting.

(our mama jama cat, checking out the spring garden last year)

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